Why Select GFDI Training & Assessments?
Experienced Instructors
With nearly a century of combined experience, our instructors are more than capable of providing excellent training programs, coupled with real life experience.
Real Life Examples
Not only do we "talk the talk," we've walked the walk! Our instructors are hands on when it comes to training, auditing with all of the relevant audit schemes, and conducting vulnerability assessments. We are the true leaders in the industry!
Professional & Consistent
Our instructors and food defense experts are well known nationally and internationally in their respective fields of expertise. They are often called upon to give keynote addresses and other media appearances as being recognized as a leader and true representative of the food industry.

About The Global Food Defense Institute
We aim to empower food industry workers with knowledge and experience to help keep our food supply safe and secure.
The tragic events of 9/11 reshaped our nation and the entire world. As such, companies located domestically here in the United States and around the world are being challenged each day with new opportunities to better protect their assets, their employees, products and all of their stakeholders. There is a growing demand for better security at companies all across the nation. A company's survival could depend on how prepared they are to prevent and respond when disaster strikes. That's why GFDI has lead the way in protecting the food and agricultural supply from acts of international adulteration and sabotage and will continue to be that shining beacon on a hill of hope.

The threat to our food supply is real. Our readiness & response to this threat should be even greater....
Rod Wheeler. 1996 AIB International